We start go step by step to get the answer: how to start blogging?
What blog platform for us?
This has a lot blog platforms, but popular and friendly is Word-press and Blogger/Blog-spot. Word press have two version : free at Wordpress.com and Self-host at Wordpress.org. Blogger/Blog-spot is also a free service. Why I select Wordpress and Blogger ? With Blogger.com belong to Google from 2003, your post will easy index in Google, with Wordpress.com you can easy transfer to self-host, we can see more at below.
What different between Free and Self-hosting?
At free version : We can set up it quick, and free but we had limited of design and we do not full allow configuration our blogs.
Example : if we want to add Google AdSense program for our blogs , this is not allow at Word-press free version, and with Blog-spot platform, you had been cut about approximate 40% of income. More, if your blog violate or you have make the fault with their policy, you can get banned anytime. This is fair, because we do not pay anything and we should follow their rules. So if you want more freedom and more fresh air, you must pay for this.
At paid version (self-hosting) : you need to pay for hosting and domain fee. The cost is not too high, but it is waste if you do not have proper plan, and give up during the game.
We also can buy a domain name and forward your free blog to your own domain, this is a economy option can save your money and when you think you need to expand your blog you can host at a hosting company .
What name and domain name for my blog?
This is interesting question and important issue. If you chose a good name, you can save your time for SEO( Search Engine Optimization). How to find your blog name is unique, and easy for people remember. Some tips to find your good blog name : what your subject, your brand name, your focus topics? After that you can use Google Keyword Tool to find down what popular. Example : I want to make this hub become a web site, I will have some option for my domain name:
a) Howtoblogging.com this base on subject and keyword , easy for SEO, but people get tired with enter a long name.
b) Besthubs.com base on my pen name .
c) Hotoblog.com this is shorter but this look no meaning and funny, it is not problem, you can see Google named their brand name is "Google" and they find some interesting thing explain for it.
Depend on you, you can chose which one you love, because it will stick with you long time. You got a name and now you can set up your domain name, with blogger/blogspot, it will be howtoblogging.blogspot.com; with wordpress howtoblogging.wordpress.com; you can see those are very long name. If you want buy your own domain, you can get cheap registration domains with best price at Goddady.com.