How to make money quickly online? There are many ways to do it, make money with im.ty is a way to make money fast. What is It is a website to shorten url. If you had to use or service, you will not find their service strange. But they provide a good thing, it helps you make extra cash with quick time. Now we can discover how to make money with
Shorten links and send it to your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or any social network website, blogs, forums.
If you have a lot of friends, when you share the links with your friends, you just use their service to shorten links. The rate is near $3 for US traffic, and $0.13 per click from US. This is a high rate with publishers. If you are owner of high traffic blog or member of active forum, you can make easy money with share the short urls.
Get prizes every week
Every weeks, has the many prizes for members as promote on twitter with the first prize is $20
How and when we get paid ?
We can get paid every week by Paypal when our revenue reached $3. This is a small goal, so we can easy get it. And they auto pay us without request, many members made hundreds dollars from this website. This is a good ways to make money.
You can discover more how to make money with them at:
I have been using ITY for last 5- 6 months; there was a problem in just one payment. I have been paid for all my pending payments.
I have used ity ad network; I have received all my pending payments from the company. They are legal and paid me good amount per click.