We can go step by step to setting blog
a) Basic:
Title: I choose How to Blogging ( Your Blog Title), if you want to change just change it.
Descripton: You can add some description to , it may have content some with your blog title.
You can keep all the default setting and scroll down at
Global Setting( apply to all of your blog)
Select post editor: you choose Updated editor.
Now you can SAVE SETTINGS.
b) Publishing:
When you have buy a domain, you can switch to custom domain and add your domain name to it. If you do not , just skip it .
I keep most of it default , if you want to change to the format you like just change it.
We scroll down to Post template: This is place when you can add the your template post here. At the new post, you do not need copy again. It save my time a lot.
You can keep all the setting or moderation comment by click as Always and add your email address, whenever your blog have comment , this will automatic send a email for your moderation.
You can change it to daily or weekly if you want.
f)Site feed
Allow Blog Feed : You can chose Full mean every thing will update to your subscriber, or Short is a part will show to your subscriber
Post Feed Direct URL: You may go Feedburner.com with your Google Account( this will give more manage to your feed) and make your feed for this blog and copy feed URL make by Feedburner.com to that space. But you can do it later, it is no problem.
g)Email &Mobile
We do not use this function much , so skip it.
If you want use posting by email you can add the email at Email Posting Address and it will help you post by email, but sometime what show in blog is different with in email so I do not use it.
h) OpenID and Permission
We do not use it now , just skip it
Now we have done with setting works.